Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Youngsters of Kerala deserve dignity.

The future of Kerala and the people who would take Kerala further ahead in the growth and progress in all fields, is none other than our children and youngsters
Nevertheless, where is our state government heading by ignoring the future of them?
The difficulty our youth is facing is joblessness, no career counselling and no kindness from elders who are employed. The employed ones want to stick their post until death by hook or crook. If it is possible to avert death by any means to stick into the job employees would certainly do that. Since it is impossible they allure the minister to enhance the retirement age. The minister has no particular interest in all these silly matters and he thinks of total flood after him. He needs to keep in possession all the money possible with him and hence thinks of enhancing the retirement age. If there is no retirement the money so accumulated can be used for other works of his personal interest. The situation is one of un-certainty and hence a good many youngsters fled from state in search of jobs and committed suicide because of sheer despair. The despondency and frustration builds up in youngsters because of no job offer to them by the government.

I saw a lot of young boys and girls with no hope in their eyes and are seemingly disturbed because of limited job opportunities in the state. In many schools and colleges where salary is given by the government, the appointments are merely farce. Only the influential and rich people are employed, but poor and meritorious are get ridiculed. Advertisements in newspapers for jobs in schools and colleges are just only a formality to hoodwink the degree holders to collect Rs 500 from them as application money but the job has been reserved for the kin. The interview board members like government nominee and subject expert are very often dining table partners of the school-college manager when sumptuous meals are served at the course of interview. There is not even a single incident a government nominee objecting the corrupt act of a college manager. Can any one identify a new recruit of other community in colleges run by communal outfits-I mean Nair, Ezhava, Muslim and Xian? A lot of talent of the youths is being wasted in mock interviews and they finally seek refuge in illegal businesses. And then the option for the government is to strengthen the police for to contain the ‘miscreants’. Of, course there is recruitment in police force and not in other departments.

Either males or females the truth leftover is that our youths have been deserted thoroughly by the state government. The State, which boosts of high literacy and way of living, should give the dignity the youths deserve by not inviting them to sell lottery. Let the lottery vending be reserved for those with no means and the handicapped.

K James Williams.

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