Tuesday, March 9, 2010

NREGP for CPM renovation

The CPM in Kerala has understood well the return from the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (NREGP). All persons who assemble before the BSNL offices for the sit-in-strike against the Central Government, paralyzing all work and blocking road traffic, despite court orders, will be adequately paid from NREGP. The days for which strikers get NREGP payment, however, may not exactly coincide with the days of strike. The strike will end with in five days and strikers’ duty will be accounted for an equivalent number of days in a later occasion. How wise the CPM managers in Kerala to use Centre’s money against Centre!

Seemingly, NREGP is poorly drafted programme with reduced surveillance. The work allotment, quantum of work and the payment are done on party basis. The Party leaders get their courtyard cleaned free of cost when public places are filled with garbage and filth. Instead of sending NREGP workers to public places like bus stations, hospitals and roadsides for cleaning, they are deputed for house cleaning of party bigwigs. Diverting NREGP fund to invigorate CPM organization and feeder outfits is apparently obnoxious. The CPM misuses NREGP to revitalize the already sluggish cadres.

The Central Government, therefore, should enquire the matter and do the needful immediately. The current agitation by CPM against Centre has nothing to do with price rise. The hollowness of their strike is evident when they hiked bus fare ignoring people’s sentiment. The current five-day blockade before the Central Government offices is apoorly crafted drama to hoodwink the people and thereby to siphon out NREGP money for party’s growth.


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