Tamil film director Bharathiraaja’s protest demonstration involving Tamil film artistes on Christmas Day is against the interest of Kerala. He is ridiculing Kerala Government motto “Water for TN and safety for Kerala”. He is fuelling tensions between Tamil Nadu and Kerala on dam row. As a film director he pulled off much fortune from Kerala and now as a worn-out horse with no work in hand is fishing out in troubled waters.
Raja’s counter parts in Kerala should recognise the partisan approach of Raja and party and should shift their film establishments to Kerala. Bharathiraja is a LTTE pro and his stances are biased. Actually Tamilians are not attacked in Kerala but reports from TN are not in good taste for Keralites. The Chief Minister Kumari Jayalalithaa should check the hidden advance ofTamil Film celebrities as it would affect more severely the tender hearts in TN.
Kerala has never said about denial of water to TN if the dilapidated dam is abandoned and a new one is constructed.
K James Williams.