Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ask caste!

‘Ask not, say not, think not caste’ was the Sreee Narayana Guru’s ultimate advice to his followers. But Vellapally Natesan, the general secretary of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam (SNDP), asks, says and thinks caste. The leaders of all Fronts after keeping all secular credentials in safe deposit lockers are queuing before Vellapyy’s house at Kanichukulangara. He has asked his followers to vote for 5 LDF candidates and 10 UDF-a new dimension in equi-diastant policy.Famous Malayalam poet Kumaran Ashan was the Yogam’s first general secretary and Natesan is polluting the post occupied by the great poet. Perhaps the disenchant of Guru about Yogam at the fag end of his life was due to his farsightedness which enable him to see a liquor baron in the chair of Asan. The Guru was totally against the production of liquor but for Vellappally one or two pegs are essential for a good night sleep.Natesan asking Ezhavas to vote according to his dictate is nothing but deflating the community’s struggle against caste systems and democracy. Now in Kerala it seems all political power struggles are controlled by Vellappally, Madani and of course G Sudhakaran.

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