News men asked Kerala Lottery Minister Thomas Isaac and V D Sathhesan M L A about the outcome of their stand-up debate on other states’ lottery. Both admitted that the debate was of much impact. What they intended is: the Marxist party could not avoid considering Isaac as Chief Minister and Oommen Chandy could not avoid Satheesan from a Ministerial berth when LDF and UDF assume power. That is all.
The looting of common people by lottery mafia will continue unabated whoever assumes power after next election.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Setback for cultural supremo Dr Azhikode
It is really a setback for Dr Sukumar Azhikode, the cultural supremo of Kerala for having ignored by Co-operation Minister G Sudhakaran to release the CD containing poems of the latter. Sudhakaran invited Azhikode’s adversary actor Mohanlal to release the disc. In one facet it is good for Azhikode that he having not invited by Sudhakaran because if Azhikode gets a chance to read the poems of Sudhakaran he might have destroyed the disc. Film actors are often not much gifted to read and appreciate Malayalam poetry, especially that are written by ministers.
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