Former Union minister Shashi Tharoor tied the knot with Sunanda Pushkar in a typical Malayali wedding ceremony. Tharoor's sons by his first marriage Eshan and Kanishk and Sunanda’s son were present at the occasion. The emotional moments of Tharoor and Sunanda were also shared by Mani Shankar Aiyer and a few dignitaries.
Getting married before the sons and daughters is a wonderful occurrence for national leaders in India. And the leaders of Congress too can practice this if they so consider it as an intelligent act by Tharoor.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Madani in Bangalore
After eight days of suffering for 2000 thousand policemen and all the people in and around Anwarsseri PDP chief Abdul Nazir Maudany was arrested for his alleged involvement in the 2008 Bangalore bombings. He has been taken to the Karnataka capital for next surprise to Keralaites.
For PDP vice chairman Poonthura Siraj, Madani is a person who prays all the 23½ hours a day and get rarely half hour for a sleep. One hopes his prayer and sleep go unobstructed at Bangalore Central jail. Thanks to Kodiyeri, Attalluri, Karnataka police and all the people of Karunagappally for not permitting any untoward incidence.
For PDP vice chairman Poonthura Siraj, Madani is a person who prays all the 23½ hours a day and get rarely half hour for a sleep. One hopes his prayer and sleep go unobstructed at Bangalore Central jail. Thanks to Kodiyeri, Attalluri, Karnataka police and all the people of Karunagappally for not permitting any untoward incidence.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
H1N1 guards Madani from arrest!
Ii time for all hard core criminals in Kerala to fly to Karnataka and settle their safely as the Kerala police hereinafter will not have any access in Karnataka. The Kerala Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan and his police have made enough confusion by not cooperating with Karnataka police in the arrest of Madani. A similar treatment from Karnataka police can be expected when Kerala Police is in search of criminals in Karnataka.
May be the H1N1 fever keep both Kerala and Karnataka police forces away from Nadani.
May be the H1N1 fever keep both Kerala and Karnataka police forces away from Nadani.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hoodwinking Indian Judiciary
The Karnataka high court has rejected the anticipatory bail petition of Abdul Nassar Madani, the PDP Chairman, the 31st accused in the 2008 Bangalore serial blasts case. On hearing this news Madani said he was expecting it. And the Fast Track Court when denied bail to him in the beginning Madani said he was expecting it. However, Madani has decided to approach the SC against HC order and preferably after SC verdict Madani’s comment would be like wise. He will, thereafter, approach the International court of justice.
The whole episode is a vivid example of how the Indian Judiciary can be hoodwinking by hard core criminals having unaccounted money from dubious source.
The whole episode is a vivid example of how the Indian Judiciary can be hoodwinking by hard core criminals having unaccounted money from dubious source.
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